What’s cooking at LRHC?

We are pleased to welcome our first ‘joiner’ in 2021.

We didn’t hesitate when we were offered this unlikely Landy adaption that certainly comes with ‘attitude’ and will appeal to the ‘foodies’ amongst our friends.  Although you will recognise her as a 60’s Series II 109”, ‘HEB’ was adapted as we see her today to take the anchor role in the mid 1990’s debut TV series of up and coming celebrity chef, Hugh Fearnley Whitingstall. This is technically a camper conversion, but in a manner the likes of which have never been seen before or since.

The sleeping compartment is discretely tucked away up top under that ‘faux’ upturned boat. The real business goes on to the rear where in a few minutes the sides can be dopped and the rear opened up to create a kitchen of gastronomic proportions. From the outset Hugh FW has been passionate about sourcing and growing food in a sustainable manner. The theme of his first TV series, “Cook on the Wild Side”, was therefore to tour the length and breadth of the UK sourcing natural ingredients and preparing meals for the viewers on the spot. And this was te vehicle that he used.

As is the way of things in media circles, the vehicle was stood to one side soon after filming and left to slowly rot. It was later recovered by someone who recognised its pedigree and handed over to restoration specialists John Brown 4×4 who undertook a root and branch restoration. The result is totally authoritative. So much so that it’s first outing after restoration was to visit Hugh FW’s River Cottage HQ in the South West where it was reacquainted with its intrepid culinary driver. To mark their reunion, Hugh left his autograph on the dash.

With a ‘Gastro-Wagon’ of our own, we need look no further for a kitchen at LRHC’s premises. However, we will resist using the ‘cold only’ shower head that swings out from the roof. We are, needless to say, very grateful of an opportunity to bring our first TV personality into our collection.

A great start to the year.